jueves, 31 de julio de 2008


Dear Herr Gemlich,

The danger posed by Jewry for our people today finds expression in the undeniable aversion of wide sections of our people. The cause of this aversion is not to be found in a clear recognition of the consciously or unconsciously systematic and pernicious effect of the Jews as a totality upon our nation. Rather, it arises mostly from personal contact and from the personal impression which the individual Jew leaves--almost always an unfavorable one. For this reason, antisemitism is too easily characterized as a mere emotional phenomenon. And yet this is incorrect. Antisemitism as a political movement may not and cannot be defined by emotional impulses, but by recognition of the facts. The facts are these: First, Jewry is absolutely a race and not a religious association. Even the Jews never designate themselves as Jewish Germans, Jewish Poles, or Jewish Americans but always as German, Polish, or American Jews. Jews have never yet adopted much more than the language of the foreign nations among whom they live. A German who is forced to make use of the French language in France, Italian in Italy, Chinese in China does not thereby become a Frenchman, Italian, or Chinaman. It's the same with the Jew who lives among us and is forced to make use of the German language. He does not thereby become a German. Neither does the Mosaic faith, so important for the survival of this race, settle the question of whether someone is a Jew or non-Jew. There is scarcely a race whose members belong exclusively to just one definite religion.
Through thousands of years of the closest kind of inbreeding, Jews in general have maintained their race and their peculiarities far more distinctly than many of the peoples among whom they have lived. And thus comes the fact that there lives amongst us a non- German, alien race which neither wishes nor is able to sacrifice its racial character or to deny its feeling, thinking, and striving. Nevertheless, it possesses all the political rights we do. If the ethos of the Jews is revealed in the purely material realm, it is even clearer in their thinking and striving. Their dance around the golden calf is becoming a merciless struggle for all those possessions we prize most highly on earth.
The value of the individual is no longer decided by his character or by the significance of his achievements for the totality but exclusively by the size of his fortune, by his money.
The loftiness of a nation is no longer to be measured by the sum of its moral and spiritual powers, but rather by the wealth of its material possessions.
This thinking and striving after money and power, and the feelings that go along with it, serve the purposes of the Jew who is unscrupulous in the choice of methods and pitiless in their employment. In autocratically ruled states he whines for the favor of "His Majesty" and misuses it like a leech fastened upon the nations. In democracies he vies for the favor of the masses, cringes before the "majesty of the people," and recognizes only the majesty of money.
He destroys the character of princes with byzantine flattery, national pride (the strength of a people), with ridicule and shameless breeding to depravity. His method of battle is that public opinion which is never expressed in the press but which is nonetheless managed and falsified by it. His power is the power of money, which multiplies in his hands effortlessly and endlessly through interest, and which forces peoples under the most dangerous of yokes. Its golden glitter, so attractive in the beginning, conceals the ultimately tragic consequences. Everything men strive after as a higher goal, be it religion, socialism, democracy, is to the Jew only means to an end, the way to satisfy his lust for gold and domination.
In his effects and consequences he is like a racial tuberculosis of the nations.
The deduction from all this is the following: an antisemitism based on purely emotional grounds will find its ultimate expression in the form of the pogrom.[1] An antisemitism based on reason, however, must lead to systematic legal combatting and elimination of the privileges of the Jews, that which distinguishes the Jews from the other aliens who live among us (an Aliens Law). The ultimate objective [of such legislation] must, however, be the irrevocable removal of the Jews in general.
For both these ends a government of national strength, not of national weakness, is necessary.
The Republic in Germany owes its birth not to the uniform national will of our people but the sly exploitation of a series of circumstances which found general expression in a deep, universal dissatisfaction. These circumstances however were independent of the form of the state and are still operative today. Indeed, more so now than before. Thus, a great portion of our people recognizes that a changed state-form cannot in itself change our situation. For that it will take a rebirth of the moral and spiritual powers of the nation.
And this rebirth cannot be initiated by a state leadership of irresponsible majorities, influenced by certain party dogmas, an irresponsible press, or internationalist phrases and slogans. [It requires] instead the ruthless installation of nationally minded leadership personalities with an inner sense of responsibility.
But these facts deny to the Republic the essential inner support of the nation's spiritual forces. And thus today's state leaders are compelled to seek support among those who draw the exclusive benefits of the new formation of German conditions, and who for this reason were the driving force behind the revolution--the Jews. Even though (as various statements of the leading personalities reveal) today's leaders fully realized the danger of Jewry, they (seeking their own advantage) accepted the readily proffered support of the Jews and also returned the favor. And this pay-off consisted not only in every possible favoring of Jewry, but above all in the hindrance of the struggle of the betrayed people against its defrauders, that is in the repression of the antisemitic movement.


Adolf Hitler

Write down a comment considering all the reasons why Hitler developed antisemitism.

29 comentarios:

isabella dijo...

In this writing Adolf Hitler is justificating the reasons why he rejected the jews.
Some of them were the followibg:
-The Jewish people were only concerned with power and money.
-They had unscrupulous labour practises.
- They didn´t integrate with the nations that welcome them.
-The unfavorable impressioned they left when they interact with people.
-People were not valued for their characteristics but for their fortune and material posessions.

Angelina Segura dijo...

The Führer Adolf Hitler whith this writing is giving to know his reasons why he rejected Jews.

He mentioned the following reasons:

a) He consider that Jews were not a religious association, for him they were an absolutely race that wanted power.

b) Because the Jews possesed all type of political rights and other type of priveleges, but for Hitler this was inacceptable.

c) Jews wanted power and money for their satisfaction.

d) Jews did not mixed with the people in the place they lived.

e) Their labour practises were without scrupulous.

f) Hitler thought that their materials possesions were over their moral and spiritual values.

María Claudia dijo...

Through this writing Adolf Hitler is giving several reasons why he rejected the Jewish people.

Some of them are the following:

a). Jewish people is a race and not a religious association.

b). Jews possessed the same political rights as the germans and Hitler couldn't accept this.

c). Jews wanted to gain money and power for themselves.

d). Unscrupulous work practices.

e). They weren't a pure race.

f). That this people weren't valued for their personality but for their material goods.

Jimena dijo...

Adolf Hitler, in his first anti-Semitic written, supported the reasons why he rejected the Jews. In it, he demonstrates all his hate against Semitic people (Jewish).
First, he said that Jews weren’t a pure race like German people should be (Aryans). At the same time, as they weren’t pure, they had never adopted much more than the language of the foreign nations where they lived. And talking the language didn’t make them of that country.
Besides, Jews, in general, handled the mass media and international banking. They were growing up in power and Hitler didn’t want that, he was very ambitious; he thought that they possessed all the political rights “normal people” should have. And finally, according to him, Jewish people wanted all the power and money for their satisfaction.

Anónimo dijo...

In this writing Hitler supported his ideas of antisemitism with several reasons. One of them is that, he thought that Jews were a race not a religious association; but this race was not pure.
He also said that jews were valued by what they´ve got. That is the reason why the are unescrupulous in the choice of methods and pitiless in the work.
Hitler wrote that jewish people did not integrate with the nations that recieved them, but when they interact with people they left a bad impression.
In the other hand, he saw that jews method of battle was the public opinion, which was never expressed in press; but it was nonetheless managed and falsified by it.

Daniela Supo dijo...

In this writing Adolf Hitler tries to explain why an antisemitic feeling cant be just emotional or cant be emmotional at all, because of several reasons such as :
- They are not a religious group, they are race, although they try to say they are german or other nationalities but they never addapt to their culture.
- They as a race dont want to adapt or change their racial feelings and never integrate with the nations that received them
- They deform the moral and ethic values not only of people also of nations.
By this reasons is that Hitler explains that antisemitis is and must be based on reason and it is the logic reaction and therefor is right.

Manuela* dijo...

Hitler somehow justifies and explains his ideology, his anti-semitism policy, claiming that it is incorrect to consider this policy as an emotional phenomenon, that is should be considered a political movement that relies on facts.
He explains some of the principal reasons of his reject or repudiation toward Jewish.

He stated that the Jews were, undoubtedly, a race, not a religious group, not even a movement, they were a strong race that was prepering to take contol of the world. He argued this idea with the fact that Jewish were fully aware of how to achieve this and that they had all capabilities and possibilities to make it happen, they had enough money and enough power.

He also made reference to the fact that Jewish, according to him, were unable of creating, inovating; they could never impose because they didnt knew how to do that, they could only copy, adopt characters, some traits, and learn the language to perfection; this, however, did not made them citizens.

In one fragment of the letter, he label them as " the racial tuberculosis of the nations", because Jewish were supposed to led and guide people to nothing, to perdition, besides, their only objectives were supposed to be satisfy their desire for wealth and control.
Acording to him, anti-semitism was the answer for all this issued that should concern the nation, they had a systematic legal combat that was supposed to achieve the removal of Jewish.

Finally, he talks about why other leaders, knowing abouth the grat danger that Jewish people represented, were not capable of dealing with them, and ensures that the reason why they had not take action was that they recognized the support of Jewish people and considered that they should return the favor.

Through all the content of the letter we can identify the main reasons why Hitler developed his anti semitism policy and how he planned to use it to defeat all the facts he loathed about them.

Anónimo dijo...

During his regime, Hitler developed a strong anti-Semitism that nearly made this race disappear. According to him, racism towards Jews should not be based merely on a hostile emotional ground. Instead, it should be based on facts and have a logical foundation. Some of the reasons he gives for his anti-Semitism are:
- The Jewish people living in Germany were not really German citizens. They only adopted the German language, but never integrated.
- Thus, Jews are not only a religion, but a unified yet impure race totally separated from the German Aryan race. They would eventually make a revolution to achieve power.
- As Jews have no land of their own, they live out of other nations, slowing down the growth of these nations. “He is like racial tuberculosis of the nations.”
- The presence of Jews in German society affected its unity, weakening the nationalism that was so important for Nazism.
- Jews made German society less moral, because their only interests were money and power. They were unscrupuluos in their labour practices.

Michelle Kauffman. dijo...

Why Hitler developed antisemitism?
Adolf Hitler supports, in this speech, why he develped an antisemitism ideology.

He explains some of the reasons he
reject Jewish people:

1)Jews were unscrupulous.
2)Jews were a non religious group.
3)Jews wanted money and power.
4)Jews were not a pure race.
5)Jews were unstateless, they had no state to live and they adopted Germany (lenguage and morals).
6)Jews made Germany less moral.

Hitler was not in favor of Jews, he wanted to finish with this unpure race, so he develped a new policy called Anti-semistic, that said, that he would^extermiate^ Jews ,after everything, his plan was made, many Jewish people died, in many ways, and Hitler`s plan of Great Empiere, was done.

Anónimo dijo...


In this letter Hitler mention some reasons that are apparently strong to develop anti-Semitism. He argued that Jewish people in German were not really part from the nation; they were only a group that adopted German culture and language. He also said that Jews were not only a religion; they were a racial group that was interest in money and power and because of that they could make a revolution in order to obtain it. He affirmed also that these group weakened Germany because they were affecting its nationalistic development while they were invading the different areas from the country, other fact that caused this weakened is that this group was supposed to be less moral and affected this affected German society.

maite cadow dijo...

In this letter wrote by Hitler to Gemlich, he expreses the reasons why did he rejected jews; some of the reasons are:

- The importance Jews gave to money and power, they were only concerned about these aspects. They tretaed people basing in their economic circumstances.
- They left an unfavorable impression to other people
- They had no more values in the way they did their jobs.
- He thought about jews as a race instead of a religious group.
- They adopted a country's traditions, however, they did not unify the country were they stayed.
- Jews living in Germany made this country weaker than others in Europe.

Bianca Parodi dijo...

Reasons why Adolf Hitler develop anti- semitism is because the following statements:

- It is not a religious association.
- They have never adopted much more than the language of the foreign nations, do not have an specific nation.
- They wanted to gain power and Hitler saw them as a threat.
- Hitler consider Jews an alien race.
- He thougth that their main goal was to have all the "gold" the best of all things for them.
- Jews just wnated money.
- They were unescrupulous people.
- Hitler thouht that the most
important things for them were material not believes.
- They have have political rigths as everyone that was part of a nation.

Sandra G. dijo...

Hitler shows the anti-Semitism feeling during his writing, the reasons of this anti-Semitism are:
- The Jewish people only matter about external things such as money, goods and power, they value depending on these things.
- They did not belong to a determinate nation; they are only Jews, not Germans, Jewish Poles, etc.
- Jewish present some determinate characteristics, which are observed easily.
- Jewish people had some political rights and other privileges.
- Their practices were unscrupulous.
- Thy treated people depending on how much they had.
- The Jews affected the German empire by disuniting them and making them weaker.

Unknown dijo...

Adolf Hitler develop Anti-Semitism during his regime. He tries to explain during this writing the reason why he develop this idiology. Some of the reasons he mention during the writing are:

a. Jewry is not a religious association is a race, a no pure race that wanted to gain power.
b. Jews were not German citizens they only make use of the language but never make part of their culture.
c. They only value the individual by their money and their material possessions.
d. They were unscrupulous in their jobs.
e. They didn’t have a specific place to live, they lived in different nations an affected the social, economical and political prosperity of those nations because of their ideas and way of living. In Germany, Hitler blamed the Jews of separating the country unity, reducing their power, reducing people morality and ethnic values.

pieri dijo...

The most important thing that is duscussed during the tect is the reasons why Adolf Hitler believes in anti-semitism, the rejection of jews.
He gives some reasons why he believe in this:
- First of all, he puts in doubt if jews were real germans? No, they only know the languaje and adapted to Germany, but they are not really consider as part of the nation.
- He didn't consider Jewish as a religious association, they were a kind of rece whose goal was gaining power.
- The only thing that matters to them was money and power, which affects the moral part of the nation.
- The labour practices they made were without scrupulous.
- Finally the simple presence of Jews in German, affects the nation, the unification and the nationalistic feeling.

mari-berto dijo...

In this writing Adolf Hitler; want to reflect if hate for Jews: his anti Semitism ideas.
Hitler didn’t want Jews in German territory, he want to take out of the, the only viable way he found was, exterminate them, killed them.
He gave a number of reasons, to justify his hate and this agreement whit this community, some of them were; that, they weren’t a pure race, they were a mixes of races, they only want to have power and money for their own benefit, they were very superficial and materialist, they were no a religious group, they just occupied territory but didn’t adapt to it, they don’t accept the German nationalist felling, they made anti moral acts, they contribute for the non development of Germany…
This and mores reason were on what Hitler based for made, what now a day we call the holocaust, the massive killed of millions of Jews.

Unknown dijo...

killing jews during Hitler's regime was one of the most terrible episodes in history. He did not have the right to determine which lives were worth to be lived and which ones were not. Nazis destroyed a lot of lifes, violated human's rights and took away people's dignity. However Hitler excuses this devastating act, with some reasons he considered strong enoungh to kill so many people. The reasons he gave on his letter to Gemlich are the following:
- He saw jews as people that never had a place to live and stablished in different places, considering themselves part of that specific country.
- They weren't a religous group but a race
- They were an unpure race which did not followed his plan on creating a pure aryan race society.
- Jews were ambitious people who's only concern was about money.
- He blamed them for all the chaos in Germany, and because they were not true citizens they interfered on Hitler's plan of creating a German society.

Gabriela! dijo...

In this writing Adolf Hitler is telling teh reasons why he rejected the Jewish people:

-they had unscrupulous labour practises.
-Jews wanted money and power for their satisfaction.
-They weren´t a pure race.
-They adopted a country's traditions, however, they did not unify the country were they stayed.
-Hitler thought that their materials possesions were over their moral and spiritual values.
-Jews did not mixed with the people in the place they lived.

There are some of the reasons why Adolf Hitler he wanted to finish with this unpure race, so he develped a new policy called Anti-semistic, that said, that he would exterminate Jews.

NicoleMillaV dijo...

Ih his writing, Adolf Hitler justifies the reasons why he believes in antisemitism, or, in a more propriate way, the reasons why he rejects jews:
He explains jews are not a religion but a united impure (as they're not German Aryan)race. They don't have a specific nation or state but they aren't part of any country. They are just known as "jews", they haven't adopted a foreign language than the one of the nation they live in but still they don't call themselfs as citizens in an specific country.

Hitler considers Jews as an "alien race" among people: In all the time they've lived in different countries, neither have they mixed(racial aspect), nor have they ever denied what they beleive in.
Jews are rich in money and this devaluates the individual because people are no longer praised by their achievements but by their money. These people, according to Hitler, just want power and gold and any day they could make a revolution to achieve power.

These are the reasons why Hitler thinks measures like "The Aliens Law" should be taken in order to weaken the jew society and finally eliminate it from Germany and other countries.

Anónimo dijo...

Adolf Hitler developed throughout his life an antisemitistic ideology; in which he mentions that the discrimination toward Jews should not be based on emotional feelings towards certain individuals. It should be based on facts, some of these are mentioned by Hitler in his letter.
The first fact he mentions is that Jews are a race and not a religious group, and that wherever they settle, they call themselves as American, German, or Pole Jews, and never adopt the ideas, feelings or costumes of this place. This means, that the German Jews, were not really German, were not German citizens.
He also mentions that as the race the Jews are, thay owe no lands, and wherever they settle, they always interfere in societies, stopping the socio-economic growth of this country.
Particularly, in Germany, they would destroy all the German nationalism achieved after so many years, and would weaken Germany as a nation.
He also said Jews were a society, and lived among the ones that were of the same race as them, and did not have the ability to integrate with the German Aryan race, and that hey would at one point, try to take the power from the Aryan citizens, and so they would provoke a revolution.
Adolf Hitler also mentions how by the influence, of Jews the value of an individual was no longer decided by his character or achievments, but by the amount of money he had. This, was also aplicated to the nation itself, and how was it valued not by the sum of its moral and sipiritual powers, but by the wealth of its material possession.
The Jews, owning money employ people using unscrupulous and pitiless methods in their employment. Their power was the power of money

Anónimo dijo...

Adolf Hitler developed throughout his life an antisemitistic ideology; in which he mentions that the discrimination toward Jews should not be based on emotional feelings towards certain individuals. It should be based on facts, some of these are mentioned by Hitler in his letter.
The first fact he mentions is that Jews are a race and not a religious group, and that wherever they settle, they call themselves as American, German, or Pole Jews, and never adopt the ideas, feelings or costumes of this place. This means, that the German Jews, were not really German, were not German citizens.
He also mentions that as the race the Jews are, thay owe no lands, and wherever they settle, they always interfere in societies, stopping the socio-economic growth of this country.
Particularly, in Germany, they would destroy all the German nationalism achieved after so many years, and would weaken Germany as a nation.
He also said Jews were a society, and lived among the ones that were of the same race as them, and did not have the ability to integrate with the German Aryan race, and that hey would at one point, try to take the power from the Aryan citizens, and so they would provoke a revolution.
Adolf Hitler also mentions how by the influence, of Jews the value of an individual was no longer decided by his character or achievments, but by the amount of money he had. This, was also aplicated to the nation itself, and how was it valued not by the sum of its moral and sipiritual powers, but by the wealth of its material possession.
The Jews, owning money employ people using unscrupulous and pitiless methods in their employment. Their power was the power of money

Andrea Vallejo dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Andrea Vallejo dijo...

During the writing, Adolf Hitler exposes and justificated the reason why he hate, rejected the Antisemitic, specially the jews.

Above, are the justification of the reasons:

- He seen the jewish people as a race not as an religous association. They were people how just cares about money and power, reason whys he also seen them as a treth.
- They didn´t had an exactly place to live, they were spread all over Europe, changing pure races.
- Because they recieved the same advantages and privilegdes in Germany and for Hitler, it shouldn't be like that, ther were aliens (he believes).
- BEcause they were the reason of every crisis over Europe, specially WWI.
- Europena people had always been very kin on accepting them in their society but them, left bad impressions and seem not thankfull.

I think that some of Hitler´s reason are rasonated but others, are unusefull. I think that the antisemitic felling is not only about this, is somethong personal that goes further social communications and them as human being.

paloma1817 dijo...

In the writing Hitler is justificating the reasons why he rejected the Jews and some of them are:
- They were not a pure race.
- Jews were unscrupulous.
- They possessed the same rights as him, so he couldn’t support it.
- They only concerned about having money and gaining power.
- Jews were living in Germany and they didn't help uniting the country, and it was very important for the Nazis, so he didn’t agree with them.

I think that his ideas of killing Jews just because they caused him problems was very crazy, but also he had some good ideas like helping the people of lower social and economical classes.

Alejandra Alta-Torre dijo...

During his life was passing through, Adolf Hitler developed a strong anti-Semitism ideology, that made him to dissapear the Jewish race.
In this writing we can see some of his reasons to do this:

-He thought Jews didn´t integrate with other people from the place they lived

-He always tought they were an absolutelly race that only was looking for power

-He also thought they were unscrupulous in the choice of methods and practices

-People was valued for what they got and not for who they were

kristel dijo...

Adolf Htler wrote these letter to justify his antisemitism, some of the reasons are:
- The Jewish people didn’t belong to any country they only adopted their language and slowed the growth of these nations.
- Jews were a religion and a unified race that had desire for gold and domination. They wanted to get all the power.
-Jews leaves a bad personal impression and they are unscrupulous in the choice of methods
-the value of a person is measured by its material possessions, by his fortune.
- Jews weakened the German unity and its nationalism.

Unknown dijo...

With this writing, Hitler shows the main reasons of his anti-Semitism, which he says is not characterized and defined by the emotions, but by facts too. The main ones are:
- Jews left an unfavorable impression when they interact with other people.
- Jews were not a religious group, but an impure race looking for power.
- Jews didn’t integrate with the rest of the country; it means that they were not a citizen of the country, but only a Jew who talked the language of the place.
- They valued people in base of their possessions and money.
- They were unscrupulous in the performance of their jobs, because they cared too much about money.
- Jews are looking for power and money, and they do not care the ways they get it.

alexia dijo...

Adolf Hitler hated the jews, and also killed them for several reasons. One of them is that he considered them an absolute race that just wanted power. An other thing is that they didn´t involucrate with people around them, and left an unfavorable impression when they had any type of interaction with the people in that country. Also Hitler thought that since they were not the owners of that country why they were supposed to have any type of privilege or political right there. And one of the thing that Hitler hated the most was that they were not a pure race, so because of that they were not "human" and they made Germany loose the war. Finally Hitler said that why Jews should mot not have a lot of material thing like they had because that was over their moral.

ximena cuba dijo...


In this letter Hitler tries to justify his hate for the Jews, a group of people he considered unworthy and inpure.Hitler thought that they should not have the same rights that germans have because they were a race that was not part of their culture, a race that only brought to Germany unscrupulous practices and bad impressions.
For Hitler they just value for the amount of money they had and not for their characteristics and personality. He also justify this thought saying that they were the tuberculosis of all nations because they just brought perdition. All this aspects indicates that Hitler considred Jews as a race of non-humans that don't diserve to have any priviledge or right and that just value for their material possesions