viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008


The term “geopolitics” seems at first to come from another era, from the late nineteenth century. By geopolitics or geopolitical competition, I mean the contention between great powers and aspiring great powers for control over territory, resources, and important geographical positions, such as ports and harbors, canals, river systems, oases, and other sources of wealth and influence. If you look back, you will find that this kind of contestation has been the driving force in world politics and especially world conflict in much of the past few centuries. 

Geopolitics, as a mode of analysis, was very popular from the late nineteenth century into the early part of the twentieth century. If you studied then what academics now call international relations, you would have been studying geopolitics. 

Geopolitics was also an ideology in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries—a self-conscious set of beliefs on which elites and leaders of the great powers acted. It was the thinking behind the imperialism of that period, the logic for the acquisition of colonies with specific geographical locations. 

Geopolitical ideology was later appropriated by Hitler and Mussolini and by the Japanese militarists to explain and to justify their expansionist behavior. And it was this expansionist behavior—which threatened the geopolitical interest of the opposing powers—that led to the Second World War, not the internal politics of Germany, Italy, or Japan. This ideology disappeared to some degree during the Cold War in favor of a model of ideological competition. 

Now let us step back for a minute and return to the classical geo-political thinking of the early part of the last century, particularly the views of Sir Halford Mackinder of Great Britain. This perspective held that Eurasia was the most important part—the “heartland” of the civilized world, and that whoever controlled this heartland by definition controlled the rest of the world because of the concentration there of population, resources, and industrial might. In classical geopolitical thinking, world politics is essentially a struggle over who will control the Eurasian heartland.

The strategists of the turn of the twentieth century saw two ways through which global dominance could arise. One was through the emergence of a continental power (or a combination of continental powers) that dominated Eurasia and was, therefore, the master of the world. It was precisely this fear—that a German-controlled continental Europe and Russia, together with a Japanese-dominated China and Southeast Asia, would merge into a vast continental power and dominate the Eurasian heartland. 

The other approach to global dominance perceived by early twentieth century geopolitical strategists was to control the “rimlands” of Eurasia—that is, Western Europe, the Pacific Rim, and the Middle East—and thereby contain any emerging “heartland” power. 

What is happening now, I believe, is that U.S. elites have concluded that the European and East Asian rimlands of Eurasia are securely in American hands or less important, or both. The new center of geopolitical competition, as they see it, is South-Central Eurasia, encompassing the Persian Gulf area, which possesses two-thirds of the world’s oil, the Caspian Sea basin, which has a large chunk of what’s left, and the surrounding countries of Central Asia. This is the new center of world struggle and conflict, and the Bush administration is determined that the United States shall dominate and control this critical area. 

Until now, the contested rimlands of Eurasia were the base of U.S. power, while in the south-central region there was but a very modest presence of U.S. forces. Since the end of the Cold War, however, the primary U.S. military realignment has entailed the drawdown of American forces in East Asia and Europe along with the buildup of forces in the south-central region. U.S. bases in Europe are being closed, while new military bases are being established in the Persian Gulf area and in Central Asia. 

It is important to note that this is a process that began before 9/11. September 11 quickened the process and gave it a popular mandate, but this was entirely serendipitous from the point of view of U.S. strategists. It was President Clinton who initiated U.S. military ties with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, and Azerbaijan, and who built up the U.S. capacity to intervene in the Persian Gulf / Caspian Sea area. The U.S. victory in Iraq was not a victory of Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld; it was Clinton’s work that made this victory possible.

The war against Iraq was intended to provide the United States with a dominant position in the Persian Gulf region, and to serve as a springboard for further conquests and assertion of power in the region. It was aimed as much, if not more, at China, Russia, and Europe as at Syria or Iran. It is part of a larger process of asserting dominant U.S. power in south-central Eurasia, in the very heartland of this mega-continent. 

But why specifically the Persian Gulf/Caspian Sea area, and why now? In part, this is so because this is where most of the world’s remaining oil is located—approximately 70 percent of known petroleum reserves. And you have to think of oil not just as a source of fuel—although that’s very important—but as a source of power. As U.S. strategists see it, whoever controls Persian Gulf oil controls the world’s economy and, therefore, has the ultimate lever over all competing powers.

In September 1990, then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney told the Senate Armed Services Committee that Saddam Hussein would acquire a “stranglehold” over the U.S. and world economy if he captured Saudi Arabia’s oilfields along with those of Kuwait. This was the main reason, he testified, why the United States must send troops to the area and repel Hussein’s forces. He used much the same language in a speech last August to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. I believe that in his mind it is clear that the United States must retain a stranglehold on the world economy by controlling this area. This is just as important, in the administration’s view, as retaining America’s advantage in military technology.

Ten years from now, China is expected to be totally dependent on the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea area for the oil it will need to sustain its economic growth. Europe, Japan, and South Korea will be in much the same position. Control over the oil spigot may be a somewhat cartoonish image, but it is an image that has motivated U.S. policy since the end of the Cold War and has gained even more prominence in the Bush-Cheney administration.

This region is also the only area in the world where the interests of the great powers collide. In the hotly-contested Caspian Sea area, Russia is an expanding power, China is an expanding power, and the United States is an expanding power. There is no other place in the world like this. They are struggling with one another consciously and actively. The Bush administration is determined to dominate this area and to subordinate these two potential challengers and prevent them from forming a common front against the United States. 

So, this is more or less how geopolitics is shaping the world today, towards an American Empire, which is claiming the control over strategic positions all over the world, using all the tactics and resources they have to assure that control. Maybe the term appeared with a different sense during the XIX  Century, but we can still talk about a Geopolitic of Today.

Answer: Why do you think it is necessary to study geopolitics today? Support your answer with the reading and the following video.

15 comentarios:

Silvana dijo...

Why do you think it is necessary to study geopolitics today? Support your answer with the reading and the following video.

I think it is necessary to study geopolitics nowadays in order to understand our world’s situation better, given that it influences a lot of world politics and world conflicts. Also because Geopolitics involves geography, and geography is the most important factor of how nations behave; entities are defined by geography. An example of a present situation involving geopolitics is the U.S.A conflict with Iraq, which happens because the Persian Gulf posses most of the world’s remaining oil and as U.S. strategists see it whoever controls Persian Gulf’s oil controls the world’s economy and, therefore, has ultimate level over all competing powers. Geopolitical thinking held that world politics is basically a struggle for who will control the heartland of a civilized world in which population, resources, and industrial might are concentrated; this is why some conflicts like the one I mention before occur. Geopolitics might have come from the nineteen century but, as we can see, we still use it today, which is why it is important to study it.

Silvana Sato

alejandra dijo...

Answer: Why do you think it is necessary to study geopolitics today? Support your answer with the reading and the following video.

I think that geopolitics is necessary because it involves two important terms politics and geography. This is important because studying geopolitics; you would understand different reasons of conflicts between countries, like wars because of geography or natural resources. So knowing the conflicts and their reason, you could explain easier problems of now a day. Is necessary to know natural resources and natural positions, like ports and harbors, of our country to be prepared of any war and this knowledge would help in economy.

Unknown dijo...

The text defines geopolitics by the contention between great powers and aspiring great powers for control over territory, resources and important geographical positions. With this meaning we can see that geopolitics is something that is being used very much now-a-days. For example, the United States is using geopolitics because they want to have global power, to dominate the entire world, to control the world’s economy. They are applying geopolitics mainly to geography and to resources. The new center of geopolitical competition is South-Central Eurasia (Persian Gulf are, Caspian Sea basin and the surrounding countries of Central Asia). The U.S wants to “conquer” this area because here is where almost all the world’s oil is located. And they think that whoever controls the Persian Gulf (its oil) will controls the world’s economy, that’s why they want to dominate Eurasia, to control the entire world; mainly its economy.
This is an example of how geopolitics is use today. So it is important to study geopolitics to know and understand what is happening in our world, to be able to have a personal opinion of how our world is working, to know the objective that U.S (in this case) have and finally, to understand the causes of some conflicts that we have in our world today.

Maria Alejandra Garcia

Unknown dijo...

I think eventhough Geopolitics started in the early XX century, it is still an important study now a days. Many of the world´s greater forces use geopolitics as one of their most important instrument to assure their control over strategic positions around the world using all their resources and strategies. Geopolitics is neccesary today because with its help we can understand better the reality of our world and the different situations it is in. As the desire of global dominance grew in different countries, new strategies borned to help them get in control of other countries. Obviusly, geopolitics is an essential need for those countries, it is neccesary for them to mix politics with geography because gegraphy plays a fundamental roll in a country's economy,resources and relations. Geopolitics is not something from the past, it is an important study and instrument use nowadays and that affects our world reality.

Marycris Ugarte

silvia dijo...

Geopolitics indicates the relationships between political power and geographic space. Geopolitics provides the context for decisions about a foreign policy of a nation.. For example, the war on terror and the use of military force by the United States to end tyranny and the danger of an expanded war in the Gulf, with all the possible ramifications this might have for the rest of the world dependent on petroleum, remains. Perhaps some day, major concerns such as fighting poverty and climate change may come to the fore; an issue which requires a geopolitical vision of living in a shared biosphere. Until the abandonment of the current geopolitics driving policy by the United States however, efforts to utilize unilateral military force will likely continue.

I think it is necessary to study geopolitics nowadays because how we think the world is, provides a key to how we think we should act in that world.

ximena dijo...

I think is necessary to study geopolitics because with this we can know more about our world and in what situation we are living in. The basic things we learn with geopolitics is the geography, politics, characters and economics of a country; but we can also understand the causes of the conflicts between countries for a territory, we can learn about the behavior of a nation, international relation and many others things.
In the text we can find many examples about conflicts of the present times.
There was always a center of geopolitical competition and now the new center is the Persian Gulf which possesses 2/3 of the world’s oil. Now the biggest conflict is between U.S.A and Iraq (Persian Gulf).U.S.A is the global power not only in economic things but also in politics, military and society. U.S.A invades Iraq to gain oil that means more power in the world.
Nowadays we are living in a globalize world that means having more conflicts. The geopolitical help us to understand this globalization that is very important.
So in conclusion is necessary to study geopolitical to understand the past, the present and will be helpful to the future.

Ximena Nomura

Maria Cristina Bellido Goicochea dijo...

I think it is important to study geopolitics because it talks about two main things in a government that are the politics and the geography. It is also important to know what is happening around the world now-a-days. For example we have the conflicts between countries like the U.S and Iraq, it happens because of the Persian Gulf’s oil possession. And now the U.S wants to have global domination so they fight for it because they think that if they control that they will control world’s economy. So we still use geopolitics in these days and if we study it, it will be easier to understand what is happening.

Cristina Bellido

Macarena dijo...

Why do you think it is necessary to study geopolitics today?

Is necessary to study geopilitics today, because we need the study of geography, history, social science and politics of each nation; in order to found and understand the stategies for the control of the power in the world.
The situation of owr days consists in the existence of more developed countries than others and a constant struggle for power. The world is with no balance: USA is over all the world (it has a global power), while the other important forces of the worl only have regional power. On the other hand, the countries that are fighting for being like USA generate more wars. Globalization instead of giving more peace is creating more wars.
In conclusion, having this actual situation of the world, the central importance of studying this science and in that way we can have some tools to do something about unbalance.

Camila Del Rosario dijo...

Why do you think it is necessary to study geopolitics today? Support your answer with the reading and the following video.

Geopolitics is a science that studies the geography of a country in order to take advantage of the study for a political result. By knowing the country, it can continue growing and control the entire world according to its geography.
Geopolitics allows the country to grow and to turn more powerful and capable to know what is better for them in accordance to its geography.

Besides geopolitics is a thinking since lots of years ago, it is important to know about this theme actually to know about our reality and what our world is living right now. Nowadays a great example for seeing how geopolitics is used is how the USA wants to have a global power. The USA wants to dominate all the territory around the Persian Gulf, for having its oil, and by this way having the mayor source of economy of the world. Finally, by having most of the economy of the world, they could easy control the entire world. With this example we can see that the USA uses geography for being more powerful.

Geopolitics is an important ideology that was used in the past and nowadays. We have to know about it, because we are going to be the future of our world, and maybe we can use this idea to develop our country.

Camila Del Rosario

mariajose franco dijo...

I think that the study of geopolitics today is really necessary, because it analizes important studies like geography, history, social science and politics, which are important terms that help us to understand or even to resolve actual problems of the world.

In the past, geopolitical thinking was used by dictators for their expansionist interests, now the geopolitical ideas are being used in another perspective.
Now a days, the new center of geopolitical competition is the Persian Gulf, where is the two-thirds of the world´s oil reserve, the power of oil move the economy and the development of countries allowing progress in science, technology and industry.
The Iraq war was carried out to provide the United States with a big position in the Persian Gulf area. So now the United States is retaining almost the whole world’s economy by controlling this area.

If a country wants to grow, geopolitics will be a necessary source to be able to do it.
Geopolitics is being used today for resolving this kind of problems, so it is very important for society to study it.

María José Franco

Fiorella dijo...

Geopolitics is the study of the economy, geography, history you need to know about to have a developed country. I think it is important to study it, because that way, you know better your country and can take advantage of the resources it has. Although, in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century geopolitics was an ideology, that said that the more important factor in how nations work is geography.

Now a days it is also been practiced. A very hard example is USA. USA now, is one of the countries that takes more advantage of their resources, have allies, and that’s way it’s a globalize country. But that’s not only a positive thing, something that happens when you globalize is that you have more wars. Great wars occurs mostly in countries that are interconnected.

United States is a global power, it riches everywhere economically, politically and military and no one is near to have the power USA has. Geopolitics has been used by USA to be a global power.

Finally, I think it is really important to study geopolitics to understand other countries that have global power and to no better your country in every branch, so you can improve taking advantage of all the resources.

Fiorella Cadenas

Flor dijo...

Why do you think it is necessary to study geopolitics today? Support your answer with the reading and the following video.

I think that it is necessary to study geopolitics today, primarily, because with this our countries can become better, they can progress each day and the second one is that we can analyze the parts or aspects of a country, why are they so powerful and other countries no. The geopolitics also help to see in which aspect they are wrong so they can fix it with the geopolitics. Geopolitics is also important to improve the economy, land, resources that a country have. In conclusion, geopolitics is very important for people because it involves the progress and the power; with this items the country could become very powerful. Only by having the money, land and army they can be prepared for a problem that they could have like a war, etc. Other thing about it is how inteligent is people to use them for their benefits and their countries benefits and with this we can see how "important" is the power nowdays.

Jimena dijo...

I think it is necesary to study geoplitics because by studing the world situation we can find why some countries are evolving faster than us. We can also learn about other counties or find the way to make ur country a better and organized coutry. If we take as an example USA, now a days the world super power, and compare it to us we can find than our country needs a better gobernment to rule it, but to have a better gobernment and pregress we need money and to have money we need exportations and a better education. Our country could also pregress if we take advantage of our resources, we have to learn how to use them and how they could help our economy and in that way halp politics, education, army, etc. As a conclusion we can say that to have a better country we have to look at every aspect together not as different things because they are all join in same way.

Jimena Chávez

Fatima dijo...

I think that the study of geopolitics is necessary because it talks abaout two important things geography and politics that are definitively important to our world, and also because it would help to the world situation. We need to have a balance of power, because now the USA is having all the control of the world and they will still wanting that and maybe in a future it would be bad. So geopolitics its important for undersatnd our situation and with that study we can help in the problems and conflicts of the countries.

Mariale Iyo Cortés dijo...

First of all, geopolitics is the study of the relationship among politics and geography, demography and economics having strategic significance of geography. In a general context the importance of studing geopolitics is such as necessary in order to undestand what is happening in our world.
The most importan element in geography is the strategy. According to the Petit Larrousse, the strategy is "the art to coordinate the action of military, political, economic and moral forces implicated in the behavior of a war or the preparation of the defense of a nation or of a coalition" ("the art to manage societies"), that what Petit L says. In one way or another our world is having a power problem. What is happening is that USA as the video says is the most important power, the global power having control over economic, political, cultural and military. Taking advantage of their territory, population, natural resources, industry and technology. With all this USA "have a control over all of us". Now USA is the only "power" in the world.
That is why it is so important to study geopolitics, we have to know about our world problems, that in one way or another involves you. We need to change, and for that we need to know first.